Celebrating 10 years of Twogether Studios This September, Twogether Studios completes ten years of creating stories and making memories. As we look back, we are truly humbled by the love our clients and audiences have given us. Over the last decade, we'v ...
A Delhi Wedding Story | Vasvi+Puneet
Two beautiful souls vow their love for each other in a Delhi wedding When two people in love come together, magic happens. And what’s not to love about capturing the journey of those beautiful souls? Vasvi and Puneet’s story began in college, wh ...
Easy Posing Tips for Couple Portrait Photography
Make every shoot breezy with our tried and tested posing tips for couple portrait We know as wedding photographers, every pre-wedding shoot or couple portrait during a wedding, is an opportunity to do something different. It is our endeavour to create be ...
A Kochi Destination Wedding Story | Vidya+Ankur
A Kochi destination wedding story of a charming couple As wedding photographers, we are the biggest fans of love stories. And it's especially heart-warming when we get to witness ones that have stood the test of time to make it to the big day. Vidya and A ...
Best Lenses for Portrait Photography
A guide to choosing the best lenses for portrait photography As wedding photographers, we constantly think about how we can make our images better. Giving our couples the best memories of their wedding makes us super happy. There's no better motivation f ...
A Delhi Wedding Story | Ajay+Nandini
A Delhi wedding story of a couple that warmed our hearts Love at first sight doesn't always happen. A lot of times, it takes years for two people to realise that they share something more than just friendship. And sometimes, that very friendship becom ...
How to set a budget for wedding photography?
The first and key step to finding a perfect photographer to capture your special memories is to set a budget for wedding photography Over the years that we've been photographing weddings, what we've come to realise is that most prospective clients who re ...
Review: BenQ SW320 Photographer Monitor
A brief look at BenQ SW320 Photographer Monitor As professional wedding photographers of today, your work has the maximum reach on the internet. You post your work on Facebook, Instagram, your website, and so on. You have portfolios on different wedding p ...
Photo Editing Workflow: Some Tips & Tricks
Things to keep in mind while finding the perfect photo editing workflow for yourself Remember when we talked about the importance of Photo Editing Workflow? We truly believe that it is key to efficiency and a consistency in quality. Although there is no ...
Photo Printing in the Digital Age – Why it Still Matters
Despite the slow death of the art of photo printing, here's why it is important for us as wedding photographers to start printing again Of late, we've come to realise that most wedding photographers of our generation have learnt their craft on the job. M ...